• 800.426.0276, 440.224.0013
  • Wholesale to Retailers, Distributors, Home based Businesses.
  • For wholesale pricing, a Tax ID#, vendor's license# or 501(c)# is required.

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Tax Exemption Form

For New Accounts -We must have your TAX-EXEMPT form on file (this is a different form and not your Reseller's Permit# or TAX ID#). For the correct form, please download it here. Fill in required information. Then, upload to your account, or e-mail a copy to info@buhiimports.com. You can also fax it to 440.224.0604

Already a Customer?
- If you already have an updated copy of your Tax Exempt Form on file with us, (not your Reseller's Permit# or TAX ID#, pls see SALES TAX EXEMPT FORM)  it will be shown in your account details. If not, please upload to your account or email a copy to info@buhiimports.com or fax 440.224.0604

Ground Delivery Schedule

Ground Delivery Schedule- estimated transit days for packages to your destination
FedEx map delivery schedule
UPS map Delivery schadule