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Chrome Wire Dog Shape with Folding Handle (SY105-1)
Chrome Wire Dog Shape With Folding Handle
Chrome Wire Dog Shape With Folding Handle
- 12"L x 6 1/2"W x 3"dp x 9"High Handle
- price per piece
- Please note: All sizes are outside measurement unless, otherwise indicated.
- Sizes, colors, subject to a modest variance.
- Discontinued item
12L x 6 1/2"W x 3"dp
Metal Single Wine Holder (SY730-1)
Single Wire/Metal Wine Holder Powder Brown Antique Finish
Single Wire/Metal Wine Holder Powder Brown Antique Finish
- 4"Dia x6.5"DPX16"HIGH (BOTTLE HOLDER is 4"DIAX6.5"DP)
- Please note: All sizes are outside measurement unless, otherwise indicated.
- Sizes, colors, subject to a modest variance.
- Not Regular stock item
4Dia x6.5"DPX16"HIGH
Metal/Wire Wine Holder Powder (SY731-1)
Double Wire/Metal Wine Holder Powder Brown Antique Finish
Double Wire/Metal Wine Holder Powder Brown Antique Finish
- Please note: All sizes are outside measurement unless, otherwise indicated.
- Sizes, colors, subject to a modest variance.
- Not Regular stock item
Chrome Wire Wall Basket (WY14-1)
Chrome Wire Wall Basket
Chrome Wire Wall Basket
- 9"L x 5"W x 3.5DP x 7" High Back
- Please note: All sizes are outside measurement unless, otherwise indicated.
- Sizes, colors, subject to a modest variance.
- Not a Regular stock item
9L x 5"W x 3.5"Dp x 7"Dp
- 1